Services & Rates

Dr. Vincent offers both in-person and telehealth/virtual appointments. Please note that all appointments, including telehealth, are only able to be offered to residents of Louisiana.

In order to provide more personalized services and high quality of care, this practice is “out of network” and does not directly accept any insurance. Please refer to “Practice Policies” and “Frequently Asked Questions” sections for more information.

  • Phone Introduction (15 minutes, Free)

    This phone call is required to schedule an appointment with Dr. Vincent. You may schedule a phone call with Dr. Vincent here.

    You and Dr. Vincent will briefly discuss your reasons for seeking treatment. Dr. Vincent will provide an overview of her services and will discuss options for moving forward.

    This phone introduction does not establish a patient-physician relationship, and Dr. Vincent is unable to offer specific medical guidance before completion of a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. In some cases, Dr. Vincent may determine that her services cannot meet your current needs.

  • New Patient Appointment (60-90 minutes, $375)

    Also known as a Psychiatric Evaluation. For patients who wish to establish care for ongoing treatment.

    Dr. Vincent will gather information to better understand your current symptoms and impact on functioning. Dr. Vincent will offer initial diagnostic impressions and proposed treatment plans. If you are already working with a therapist and/or another medical provider, Dr. Vincent will be glad to coordinate care. In certain cases, an additional appointment may be necessary to complete the evaluation.

    After completion of the evaluation, Dr. Vincent may determine that her services do not meet all of your needs; Dr. Vincent will discuss this with you and will work with you to transfer care to another provider.

    If you are transferring care and are already prescribed psychiatric medications, Dr. Vincent may not automatically continue prescribing these medications and may recommend alternative treatments.

  • Second Opinion Consult (90 minutes, $450)

    For patients who are seeking a one-time consultation with Dr. Vincent.

    This may be a good option for patients who: (1) have questions regarding psychiatric treatment during pregnancy and/or postpartum (including preconception planning), and (2) wish to continue their psychiatric treatment with an already established provider but would like additional education and guidance from a reproductive psychiatrist.

    Dr. Vincent will review requests for second opinion consults on a case-by-case basis and can provide a comprehensive evaluation and consultation with the patient, plus any additional time spent on documentation and communication with a referring provider or other provider involved in the patient’s care.

  • Follow Up Appointment, Medication Management Only (20-25 minutes, $175)

    For patients who have already established care at this practice and are being seen for medication management only.

    These appointments are recommended for patients who have achieved relative stability with their medication(s) and/or only require minor changes in their treatment plan. In many cases, these patients may be seeing another clinician (psychologist, social worker, counselor) for psychotherapy, and Dr. Vincent will be glad to coordinate care with that individual.

    Typically, appointments are scheduled once per month when first establishing care. For patients who have achieved more stability, appointment frequency can be expected to be once every two or three months. In order to be considered active patients of the practice, patients need to be seen at least once every six months.

  • Extended Follow Up Appointment (45-50 minutes, $275)

    For patients who have already established care at this practice.

    Typically, these appointments are recommended for patients who have not yet achieved significant improvement in symptoms. These appointments may be recommended for patients with more complex medication regimens and/or patients who are not seeing another clinician for psychotherapy.

    Frequency of this appointment type may vary by case, ranging from once per week to once per month.